Speaking Events
We provide education on the science of stem cell medicine and all our anti aging treatments.
Upcoming Speaking Events
Anti-Aging and Wellness Panel at Kelowna Premier Screening of
"YOUR SECOND FIFTY – Rising Above the Fears of Aging"
“Your Second Fifty” will revolutionize the way you think about aging. This documentary film features over 40 aging experts, interviewed on five continents.
Dr. Pagdin will be participating on the panel of experts for an Anti-Aging and Wellness Q&A following the screening. At the beginning of the evening, you'll also get a sneak preview of Dr. Pagdin's interview from our currently being produced website video.
Tickets: For the feature documentary screening and Anti-Aging Wellness Panel Q&A tickets are only $10 and are available at Choices Market.
When: 6 pm to 9 pm, January 30, 2018
Location: UBCO Theatre - ADM026 - 1138 Alumni Ave., Kelowna
Parking: Park in Lot E. There are Dispensers that take Visa/Mastercard and $1/$2/$.25 coins. You can also pay on-line using the HONK APP which you can download at www.honkmobile.com.
After 6pm all parking lots are $4.

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Live as young as possible, staying energetic and youthful without pain or disease.
Let us partner with you in wellness and prevention.