Answer to the questions we get asked frequently here at Pagdin Health.


YES, we continue to accept new stem cell patients from all over Western Canada, and they do not need to have a referral to see us. We are not taking any new hormone replacement or anti-aging consultations at this time however.

We do not use intravenous stem cells as these are not approved for use in North America.

Our stem cell protocols have been approved by an international ethics committee and our consent form has been reviewed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.

Health Canada is aware of the research work we are performing and at this time have not raised any objections. Dr. Pagdin is actively engaged with Health Canada to establish stem cell treatment as a recognized therapy in Canada for osteoarthritis and sports medicine.

There is mild discomfort only during the harvesting procedures, and we are generous with local anaesthetic. Most people tell us the fat harvesting is more uncomfortable than the bone marrow, much to their surprise. We use tiny instruments which are so small they cannot be re-sterilized, so they go into the trash at the end of each case. Expect a significant amount of pain in the joint(s) we inject, starting 1-2 hours after your procedure and lasting for 2-7 days. A prescription pain-killer will be issued.

We will need to draw 2 ounces of blood (60cc), 1 ounce of fat (30cc) and just 10cc of bone marrow. When these are prepared for injection they can contain in excess of 400 million stem cells!

We focus on the major joints including shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles. We do not do spine work here, but recommend a couple of clinics in the USA.