
Sharing our expertise on Stem Cell Medicine, anti-aging, wellness and lifestyle modifications.

K-Citrate Helps Maintain Bones in Older Adults

By Anne Harding NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Nov 27 – Elderly, osteoporosis-free men and women who take potassium citrate daily have significant increases in areal and volumetric bone mineral density (BMD) after two years, new findings show. “By neutralizing the acid we generate by our diet it is possible to slow or possibly reverse the…

Living Longer Better

In his book, “Disease Proof”, Dr. David Katz1 lays out for us Ten Rules for Healthy Living. These are guidelines to follow consistently forever in order to Live Longer Better: 1. Avoid fast food: fast food is a fast way to gain weight and undermine your health. 2. Drink water: don’t drink your calories (soft…

It’s MOvember!

I’ve been supporting the Movember movement for the last several years, in part because it’s always fun to grow a moustache, but more importantly because it raises awareness of men’s health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. I do a lot of work with hormone replacement therapy for both men and women,…

Exercise May Beat Mental Activity in Preserving Cognition

More evidence has linked exercise with a positive effect on the brain. A new study finds that older adults who reported being the most physically active had less brain atrophy, higher volumes of gray matter, and less damage to white matter compared with their more sedentary counterparts. Not only was the sample size, at almost…

Grape Polyphenols Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors

With all of the attention surrounding diabetes these days, you’ve probably heard of a condition called metabolic syndrome—a collection of risk factors that are linked to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke. These risk factors include high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, raised fasting glucose levels and a waist circumference measurement…

The Truth About Detox

Many people are concerned that their bodies build up toxic levels of nasty substances and have to be periodically “cleansed” or “detoxed” to avoid negative health consequences 1. For the most part, this is completely untrue! There are only two noteworthy exceptions: a build-up of heavy metals such as mercury or lead which can be…

DHEA – a forgotten hormone

DHEA, or dihydroepiandosterone, is an often-overlooked hormone when it comes to aging. Its secretion begins to decrease after the age of 30, and has diminished by 60% by age 55. Most of the body’s DHEA comes from the adrenal glands, with the remainder coming from either the ovaries in women or testicles in men. There…

Melatonin: Sleep Like a Baby!

Most people know that melatonin is important for sleep, but did you know it is also an important anti-cancer hormone? That’s right! Melatonin is critical for Natural Killer cells surveillance of cancerous cells1. Production of melatonin declines as we age such that by age 40, we have only half the levels we had at age…

Who, me? STRESSED?!

Many, if not most, of my patients will admit that stress is playing a significant role in their health. Some people tell me there’s only two times when they feel stress: daytime and night-time. Others tell me they get up in the morning and greet their partner with: “Good morning! Let the stress begin!” As…

What is Glutathione and how do I get more of it?

There is a particular anti-aging molecule found in every one of your cells, called glutathione. It is the body’s most powerful anti-oxidant, manufactured in all of our cells but particularly important in the liver. People who are most physically active have the highest levels, and this is directly linked to having fewer illnesses1. You may…

Before you make that resolution, here are some diet myths…

For the past year I have subscribed to an excellent blog called “Weighty Matters” written by MD Yoni Freedhoff.1 He is an associate professor in Family Medicine at the University of Ottawa, and an international expert in weight loss. His posts are always sharp and relevant, with many practical suggestions for those struggling with their…


Thyroid is a very important metabolic hormone. The levels of this hormone tend to slowly decline after the age of 40, but can certainly decline earlier due to excess stress, nutritional deficiencies, or if one’s own immune system develops antibodies to their thyroid. As well, many processed foods (bread, pasta, sports drinks) contain bromine which…

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