Health Tips

Diet Myths

For the past year I have subscribed to an excellent blog called “Weighty Matters” written by MD Yoni Freedhoff. He is an associate professor in Family Medicine of the University of Ottawa, and an international expert in weight loss. His posts are always sharp and relevant, with many practical suggestions for those struggling with their…

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How Can I Increase My Fitness Level?

A lot of my patients ask me how they can increase their fitness levels and what I recommend is something called high-intensity interval training. It’s something I’ve been doing now for a couple of years and I really enjoy it. I’ve noticed a definite increase in my fitness levels doing high-intensity intervals. The way it…

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My One Piece of Anti-Aging Advice

Many people ask me for my “number one” piece of anti-aging advice. I echo the sage recommendation of authors Crowley and Lodge in their wonderful book, “Younger Next Year”, which is this: do some vigorous physical exercise an hour a day, six days a week, for the rest of your life. You don’t really have…

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Anti-Aging Nutrition Fundamentals

My recent columns have been focused on stem cell medicine, but let’s not lose sight of the fundamentals of aging well. One of the most important is healthy nutrition. With so much conflicting information out there, it can quickly get confusing, so here are my nutrition recommendations in a nutshell: Eat real food Watch the…

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It’s Not About The Fat

“Saturated fats will clog your arteries and cause a heart attack.” We now know this is a myth that’s been sold to the public for more than 50 years. Many of us (including health professionals!) bought into it and the myth became so well-entrenched we take it as gospel. Once saturated fats came off our…

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